The main feature of Digiprog III digiprog 3 odometer programmer is odometer correction. The optional languages are Deutsch, English, Espanol, French, Portuguese, Italiano, Turkey, Nederlands. While Digimaster III has English and Chinese. DigiProg III is originally made in UK. The official price is 12000 €. Most buyers cannot afford the genuine version. So I compare the original Digimaster 3 with the clone Digiprog 3 made in China.
They got different advantages. DigiProg III has its advantage for European cars. But updating is a problem. The clone factory will spend time to hack it and use it for the clone Digiprog 3, so it is not so convenient as the original Digimaster 3 which can update online any time.
Check your speedometer for accuracy. You can find accuracy algorithms available online. These websites will ask you to input simple numbers, specifically the time it took you to travel one mile at a set speed. For example, if you traveled one mile in one minute and registered a speed of 50 mph, then your speedometer is off by 20 percent. The correct reading should be 60 mph. This will give you the amount of correction that is needed.
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