I got this fault when try to config vci c6 with xentry
It is vci c6 with original appearance.
I try to change ip as connecting with ecom, and change firmware text as some website says.
The laptop can see the vci and its serial,
When using xentry it can read votage but can not pass the reading vin step.
Apparently, this is solved in the same way as with ECOM, it is necessary to replace certain files in the Xentry installation, and these are not just modified files, but files specially created for the work of ECOM and Xentry, may be created by Daimlers developers. That is, you need to look for these special files for Mercedes-Benz VCI C6, if it is actually C6, and not a fake in the C6 case
May be you have a fake, the original C6 cannot be banned for use with Xentry imho
The ECOM is an engineering tool and is not intended to be used for diagnostics, which is probably why I received the same message before I handed my laptop to a specialist for file modification, but C6 is a diagnostic tool and should not be prohibited
Update: That is completely fake C6. But it works smoothly with xentry 05.2019 from its supplier ‘s hdd
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