Question: Can Autel MaxiTPMS TBE200E measure the tire tread & brake disc?
The answer is yes. This is a Autel TBE200E manual to explain how to measure tire tread & brake disc. Read below to learn how easy it works.
Autel TBE200E Measure Tire Tread
Includes thread depth detection, uneven wear analysis, replacement & maintenance recommendations, DOT recall accesses the tool’s tire-tread check function.
– Features
1. Laser measurement technology with an accuracy of up to 0.1mm
2. No need to disassemble the wheel for testing.
3. Support single tread test and full tread test.
– Quick Guide
Green: normal, check regularly.
Yellow: wear is close to critical, replacement is recommended, 3.2mm remaining.
Red: Severely worn, replace immediately, 1.6mm remaining.
Brake Disk is brake dis wear test.
– Features
1. TBE200E laser-enabled tool examines brake disc wear quickly and accurately.
2. You can examine the wear status of a brake disc without the need to remove tires.
3. Measurements displayed graphically.
– Quick Guide
Green: normal.
Yellow: it is recommended to replace.
Red: replace now
Quick Check: it can be selected when the tire thread and brake disc wear are tested together.
In addition, Autel TBE200E Tire Tread Scanner also supports real-time tire health analysis, laser measurement, measurement data curve, DOT scan, uneven wear analysis, tire recall lookup, etc. If you’re looking for the best Autel tire tread scanner, then TBE200E is the right one.
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