This is a comparison article about Yanhua Mini ACDP and other devices to read and write Porsche BCM data.
Method 1: The other devices to read & write Porsche BCM data by traditional way-soldering
In this method, it needs to desolder these 2 components as marked, and soldering them back after reading/writing data is completed.
1.Require soldering, which with complicated and ling time operation
2.Require cutting lines and removing 2 components which may cause the risk of module damage
3.Manual soldering is risky and unreliable. Any faulty solder may cause the data lost
Method 2: Yanhua Mini ACDP read & write Porsche BCM data by ICP
Need Yanhua Porsche BCM module
1.Interface board replaces the soldering to make the operation simple and efficient
2.No cutting lines, no lifting pins, no removing components, no soldering and no risk of modules damage
3.Pin intelligent detection to ensure data reading/writing safe and reliable
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