Is it possible to correct odometer for BMW G Series by Digimaster 3? This is a question from CnAutotool.com customer. The reply of professional technician is YES.
But it needs to use YH35XX simulator and filter to work with Digimaster 3. If this is your first time to buy, you also need a YH35XX programmer.
As we all know, BMW dashboards from August 2015 are equipped with a 35160WT/35128WT EEPROM which is not erasable and has page-id which locks this memory to its own dashboard-micro.
If you need to correct such dashboards you CANNOT erase or substitute the original memory with recovered/bought one. You have to emulate the original memory with our emulator.Software can be run directly when the programmer is connected to PC, and Simulator replaces the original 35160WT/35128WT EEPROM. It’s very easy to use, no risk, also no red dot on odometer.
How to use Digimaster 3 to correct odometer for BMW G series?
Prepare all the devices:
Yanhua Digimaster 3 Odometer Correction Tool
YH35XX programmer + simulator
Yanhua MB CAN Filter 18 in 1
Note: The Yanhua MB CAN Filter 18 in 1 Benz/ BMW universal filter should be added to BMW car after odometer adjustment.
Check the complete operation introduction, please refer to this article:
Hope it helps you!
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