Can Autel IM608 Pro be Used to Program a New TPMS Sensor?

Autel MaxiIM IM608 is the most advanced and the unique all in one key programming and diagnostic tool that combines advanced key programming, all systems diagnostics, and advanced services in one Android based 10.1-inch touchscreen tablet.

Autel MaxiIM IM608-1 Autel MaxiIM IM608-2

Can Autel IM608 pro be used to program a new TPMS Tyre valve on an Opel Astra 2017? TPMS is listed in the service menu but did not have any luck with it. Just wondered if anyone had any luck with it. What I could not understand is where it says “hold the antenna of low frequency tool, or equivalent against the tire sidewall”. Does that mean it needs another tool to go with it?
autel-im608-tpms-service-tool (2)

Answer & suggestion:
Autel MS906 also has TPMS in the service menu,  but for the registration of the sensors you need another tool – TS (MS906TS, TS401, TS501, TS601, TS508, TS608 MaxiTS series) with which you wake up the sensors, otherwise it doesn’t work.
Astra needs a secondary device to activate the sensor, autel im608 will only put car to programing mode but you will need a seperate tool to activate the sensor.  I have done last week with other tools, not possibble without specific sensor activation tool
You can write the sensors Id manually. But it’s way easier and faster with TS 508 or Ts601.


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